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The Dragon Lensman, Lensman from Rigel, and Z-Lensman are available for Kindle.

David A. Kyle 

Author of The Dragon Lensman, Lensman From Rigel, and Z-Lensman



David A. Kyle’s experience in Science Fiction dates back to the “Golden Age” of the early 1930s. An active force in both the earliest and present-day worlds of Science Fiction fandom, he began publishing fanzines as a teenager, and he participated in the first science fiction convention in Philadelphia in 1936. He attended the first World Science Fiction Convention in New York in 1939, and went on to chair the 14th Worldcon in 1956, and was Worldcon Fan Guest of Honor in 1983.


His professional career in the field spans six decades; beginning as a writer and illustrator for pulp magazines, then as publisher, anthologist, illustrator, book designer, editor, and literary agent. In 1947 he co-founded Gnome Press, the imprint that pioneered the first hardcover editions of works by such authors as Isaac Asimov, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, and Robert Howard.


He has collected an array of honors, among them First Fandom’s Science Fiction Hall of Fame; a special award from the British Science Fiction Association; and an award for Outstanding Achievement from The International Society of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy. He has been chosen by Starlog as one of The 100 Most Important People in Science Fiction and Fantasy.


His works include the award-winning A Pictorial History of Science Fiction and The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Ideas and Dreams.


A series of reminiscences of Kyle's days in SF fandom, originally published in the fanzine Mimosa, can be found here.


All Red Jacket Press titles can be purchased at

The Dragon Lensman, Lensman from Rigel, and Z-Lensman are available as eBooks from Apple Books.

The Dragon Lensman, Lensman from Rigel, and Z-Lensman are available as eBooks from Google Play.


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Kerry Kyle | Brian Pearce
3099 Maqua Place
Mohegan Lake, New York 10547

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